Christian Libor

Founder and CEO

Quanvest GmbH
Kaiser Friedrich Promenade 127
D-61348 Bad Homburg v.d.H.
Tel: +49 (0)6172 – 981970
Fax: +49 (0)6172 – 98197099


Since 2010:
Founder and CEO of QUANVEST

2007 to 2010
Senior Vice President Deutsche Börse AG

1995 to 2007
Director Dresdner Bank / Dresdner Kleinwort

The managing partner of QUANVEST has more then 15 years experience in these areas:

  • Model development and data management in risk management
  • Portfolio management/portfolio structuring
  • IT architectures for portfolio monitoring, risk management, process controlling and data quality management in banking
  • Project management, e.g. in banking regulation and international accounting standards (e.g.: KWG, IFRS, GroMiKV, CAD, Basel 2, US-GAAP)
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